- Low Mood
- Irritability
- Excessive anger outburst
- Difficulty in getting sleep
- Lack of motivation for day to day work
- Suicidal thoughts or attempts
- Feeling of guilt, helplessness
- Unexplained fatigue , backpain, headache
- Loss of Libido
- Trouble concentrating at work
- Feeling nervous, restless or tense
- Trouble concentrating
- Having the urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety
- Having difficulty controlling worry
- Excessive worrying about ordinary routine issues
- Difficulty in sleep
- Racing heartbeat
- Feeling faint
- Sweating, nausea
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Trembling
- Hot flushes
- Fear of contamination or dirt
- Needing things orderly and symmetrical
- Unwanted thoughts, including aggression/sexual
- Doubts either you've locked the door or not
- Unpleasant sexual images
- Avoidance of situations that can trigger obsessions, such as shaking hands
- Hand-washing repeatedly
- Checking doors repeatedly to make sure they're locked
- Checking the stove repeatedly to make sure it's off Counting in certain patterns
- Silently repeating a prayer, word or phrase
- Arranging your canned goods to face the same way
- Being suspicious towards others
- Doubting partner without any reason
- No one present there
- Hearing unusual voices others speaking about himself when none persent there
- Talking or smiling to self
- Unrealistic Inflated self-esteem
- Decreased need for sleep
- More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking
- Subjective experience that thoughts are racing
- Excessive increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually)
- Extreme fear or anxiety.
- From insects, heights, needles. blood, elevator,crowded closed space etc
- Phobic stimuls is actively avoided
- Exposure to stimuls causing impairment in daily living
- Excessive anxiety while using public transport
- Being in closed space eg. cinemas, shops
- Standing in crowded place
- Experiencing traumatic life events
- Accidents, deaths, physical abuse, suicide etc
- Trying to avoid activities which remind the events
- Flashbacks of events
- Recurrent distressing dreams
- Premature Ejaculation
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Low Libido
- Talking about suicide frequently eg " I wish i was dead "
- Wanting to be left alone
- Feeling hopeless about life
- Saying goodbye to people as if they won't be seen again
- Getting the means to take your own life, such as stockpiling pills
- Giving away belongings or getting affairs in order when there's no other logical explanation for doing this
- Autism
- Adolescent Behavioral Problem
- Old Age Behavioral Problem
- Marital Discord
- Dementia
- Headache
- Sleep Disturbances
- Addiction Management