10 Hidden Signs of Depression

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Some people with depression may try to hide the signs from others, or they may not even realize that they have depression. Although the typical symptoms of depression, such as sadness or hopelessness, can be easy to recognize, there are symptoms that may be less obvious.

1) Appetite and weight changes

Eating too much or too little can be suggested as the trusted source for the presence of depression. Some people turn to food for comfort, while others lose their appetite or eat less due to low mood.

These changes in food intake can cause a person to start gaining or losing weight.

Dramatic weight changes can also exacerbate depression, as they can affect a person’s self-esteem.

2) Changes in sleep habits

There is a strong link between mood and sleep. A lack of sleep can contribute to depression, and depression can make it more difficult to sleep.

Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to depression. This may be due to neurochemical changes in the brain.

Sleeping too much can also be a sign that a person may have depression.

3) Alcohol or drug use

Some people with mood disorders may use alcohol or drugs to cope with their feelings of sadness, loneliness, or hopelessness.

4) Fatigue

Feeling excessively tired is a very common symptom of depression. Some research suggests that over 90% of people with depression experience fatigue.

Although everyone feels tired from time to time, people who have severe or persistent tiredness — especially if it accompanies other symptoms — may have hidden depression.

5) Forced happiness

Sometimes, people refer to hidden depression as “smiling depression.” This is because people who hide their symptoms may put on a happy face when in the company of others.

However, it can be difficult to keep up this forced happiness, so the mask may slip and a person may show signs of sadness, hopelessness, or loneliness.

6) Less optimistic than others

Studies suggest that people with depression may have more pessimistic tendencies.

Being more realistic or pessimistic than others may be one sign of depression, especially if the person has other possible symptoms of depression.

7) Loss of concentration

When a person trails off during conversations or loses their train of thought, it can indicate issues with memory and concentration, which is a common symptom of depression.

Research suggests that these difficulties with concentration and focus can worsen the social impact of depression by making work life and personal relationships more challenging.

8) Being angry or irritable

Many people do not associate anger and irritability with depression, but these mood changes are not unusual trusted source among those with the condition.

Instead of appearing sad, some people with hidden depression may display irritability and overt or suppressed anger.

9) Low sex drive

changes in sex drive a key indicator for diagnosing episodes of major depression.

There are several reasons that a person’s libido might decrease when they have depression, including:

  • loss of interest in pleasurable activities such as sex
  • fatigue and low energy levels
  • low self-esteem

10) Physical pains and health disorders

Depression is a mental health condition, but it can also have physical consequences. In addition to weight changes and fatigue, other physical symptoms of hidden depression to look out for include:

  • backache
  • chronic pain conditions
  • digestive problems
  • headache

Research also indicates that those with major depression are more likely than those without the condition to experience:

  • arthritis
  • autoimmune conditions
  • cancer
  • heart disease
  • type 2 diabetes

What to do if you think you have hidden depression

People who believe that they may have hidden depression should speak to their doctor or a mental health professional. These professionals can help make a diagnosis and recommend a course of treatment.

Other steps to treat depression might include:

  • reducing stress, such as through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga
  • improving self-esteem through positive self-affirmations
  • socializing with others (though this can be challenging with depression)
  • engaging in activities that the person used to enjoy or attempting to identify new activities that they may be interested in
  • exercising regularly
  • eating a balanced diet
  • asking family or friends for support
  • joining a support group.


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